
Showing posts from May, 2021

Stylized Character

Stylized Character Assignment:  For this assignment, I had to blockout and sculpt a character. For my character I wanted to initially create something more of a female samurai or ninja, I also thought of a cool sci-fi twist but I wanted to avoid hard surface modeling if I could.  Blockout: Originally I had a very underdeveloped blockout and I hated the overall form. I decided to rebuild the entire blockout by following a Follygon video as inspiration. The new model had more accurate proportions and made blending the forms much easier when I had to create the clay sculpt. Clay Sculpt: As I mentioned previously the new blockout made this phase much easier. I spent a lot of time trying to get the forms and anatomy just right. I used a lot of anatomy references from other artists and diagrams. This was really important because I wanted my character to have a sort of muscular tone. I was very happy with the way the body turned out. The head however still feels a little off but I think it tu